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What is Holistic Nutrition Consulting ?

What is Included?

Holistic nutrition consulting is a form of nutrition coaching that takes into account the whole person, including their physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as their lifestyle and dietary habits. It aims to promote optimal health and wellbeing by identifying and addressing the root causes of any imbalances or health concerns, rather than just treating symptoms. Holistic nutrition consulting involves creating personalized nutrition plans that focus on nutrient-dense, whole foods, as well as incorporating lifestyle recommendations such as stress reduction techniques and exercise.




*NOTE : Please email in contact tab to book consultation, or click read more below.

Once you purchase the Holistic Nutrition Consulting, you will be sent a questionnaire and waiver to fill out so we can find out what story your body is telling. We can also meet in person. You will return the questionnaire and waiver where I will process the information and send you back a report regarding my findings, along with a 6 week meal plan, including any natural herbs or supplements recommended, as well as a section on well being for the healthy mind and soul. I will be available to you for any questions or support. You will have an opportunity to purchase follow up consultations, should you need them after the 6 weeks for $20.00, so we can work together and change things as the body reveals the story through the process of holistic nutritional healing.



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